Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Water, Wine and a Wedding Feast

Following Yeshua’s 40 days in the wilderness, He returned to the place across the Jordan river where John was still preaching and baptizing the people of Judea and surrounding areas who had come to hear John’s message of repentance and return to the Torah of God.  While speaking and teaching his many disciples, John saw Yeshua approaching, and made a special announcement.  John was pointing out someone in the crowd.  Were his disciples straining to see who it might be that John called “the Lamb of God?”  Yeshua was certainly not the blue eyed, fair haired individual depicted in numerous paintings and such that permeate our culture today.  Yeshua would have looked gaunt and weathered after forty days of fasting in the wilderness. Yeshua did not, as yet, have an entourage of disciples and there was nothing to distinguish Him from the rest of the crowd.  But John recognized Him and understood that the world was about to change.

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