Wednesday, November 1, 2017

For My Eyes Have Seen Your Salvation

It is entirely appropriate that this week’s Torah portion is titled “Vayera” which means “And He Appeared.” As we have been following the life and time of our Master Yeshua, we now come to the time of His birth; His appearing! Luke records that Joseph and Mary head off to Bethlehem, the ancestral home of Joseph’s family. Why would they travel to Bethlehem from Nazareth? Why travel so late in Mary’s pregnancy? Given the cultural norms of the day, Mary’s unexpected pregnancy during the time of her betrothal to Joseph would have caused somewhat of a scandal in Nazareth among family and friends. Because of the appearance of the angel Gabriel to both Mary and Joseph, they both knew the true identity and mission of the child Mary carried. Did they fully understand the prophecies concerning the coming of the Messiah? Or was this move to Bethlehem for another purpose?


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