Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Judah and Joseph - Part 2: Brothers Reconciled

Jacob had twelve sons, but two of those sons, Judah and Joseph, end up with the birthright and the blessing of Abraham. As Judah and Joseph are introduced and begin to play a more prominent role in the Bible, the primary story line follows that of Joseph, but Judah’s story is inserted into the narrative. The story, then, reverts to Joseph. Finally, as the story of Joseph reaches a conclusion, Judah once more plays a prominent role. In part one, we examined Judah’s story. We followed along as Judah’s character was shaped by the loss of two sons and the unexpected gift of two others. Judah learned empathy and compassion for others. Now, in this second part of our teaching, we will examine Joseph’s story and how the refining of Judah and Joseph’s characters allowed them to be reconciled.


Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Judah and Joseph - Part 1: Brothers at Odds

Jacob had twelve sons, but two of those sons, Judah and Joseph, end up with the birthright and the blessing of Abraham. As Judah and Joseph are introduced and begin to play a more prominent role in the Bible, the primary story line follows that of Joseph, but Judah’s story is inserted into the narrative. The story, then, reverts to Joseph. Finally, as the story of Joseph reaches a conclusion, Judah once more plays a prominent role. How do the stories of Judah and Joseph compare? What does inserting Judah’s story into that of Joseph’s reveal about these two brothers?


Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Jacob Struggles with God and with Men - HD

As Jacob returns to the Promised Land after twenty two years of exile, he has a visitor in the night. Jacob was almost into the Promised Land; one or perhaps two more days of travel and Jacob would be able to cross the Jordan and enter into the land of his inheritance. But, he learns that his brother Esau is coming to meet him with four hundred companions. So, Jacob sent his family on across the Jabok River while he stayed behind by himself in the camp. That night, a man confronted Jacob and wrestled with him throughout the night. What is the significance of this wrestling match? Was the man he wrestled with just a man, a manifestation of God, or just a metaphor for Jacob’s own conscience?


Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Jacob Rose up Early - HD

As Jacob left the Promised Land, he had an encounter with God. Jacob was fleeing an enraged Esau leaving the land that was part of the blessing and promise he had just received from his father Isaac. Jacob was supposed to receive the land, yet he was on his way out of the land. Had he truly received the blessing? Would it really come to him instead of his brother Esau? When Jacob stopped for the night, God appeared to him in a dream. What does it mean that Jacob rose up early the next day? Why is this an important element in the account?